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We do the research so you don't have to

Group 1

Decades of experience

With over 30 years in the industry, Vivian's Clinical Advisor, Dr. Beth A. Brooks, brings a fresh perspective to recruiting.

Group 2

Academic research

Dr. Brooks relied on academic research and SME interviews to support her recommendations.

Group 3

Actionable insights

We cover the topics that matter most to you and provide actionable insights and tips to help you meet your goals.

Watch our most recent episodes

Dr. Beth A. Brooks shares insights for recruitment and retention based on the findings from Vivian's Future of Healthcare Work Report.

Dr. Beth A. Brooks provides recommendations to help employers encourage the use of EAPs to help the well-being of the workforce.

Learn research findings and recommendations to help employers monitor nurse fatigue.

This session provides insights from workforce optimization expert, Dr. Therese Fitzpatrick.

Dr. Jennifer Mensik Kennedy sits down with Dr. Beth A. Brooks to talk about ways nurses can advocate for themselves, and how employers can support them.

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